Adrian’s Blog

A blog about things

Marvell DDR Code and GCC

I have a SolidRun MACCHIATObin Single Shot, and you can build and use UEFI on it. This involves compiling code from a variety of repos, one of those being mv-ddr-marvell. To do this, I made a git repo full of helper scripts. I don’t use the dev board much anymore, and it is mostly there to possibly help others build the collection of firmware that results in the image that I burn onto a microSD card....

July 20, 2023 · 5 min · Adrian Lucrèce Céleste

Rsi and Input Devices Part 2

This is part 2 of RSI and Input Devices. Logitech MX Vertical Ergonomic Mouse At first I was rejected the idea of using the Logitech MX Vertical Ergonomic Mouse I had tried the one my roommate had and found the scroll-wheel to be subpar, though after continued pain from using my MX Ergo Plus I decided to buy one off amazon. Even though I didn’t care for the scroll-wheel on the mouse, I noticed the pain in my hand and wrist decreased, and after a few days pretty much went away....

November 11, 2020 · 1 min · Adrian Lucrèce Céleste

RSI and Input Devices

RSI, or Reptitive Strain Injury is: a condition in which the prolonged performance of repetitive actions, typically with the hands, causes pain or impairment of function in the tendons and muscles involved. For me, my right hand and wrist can start to hurt after using a normal mouse, or even an ergonomic mouse with a bad scroll wheel. Finding Human Interface Devices (HIDs) that don’t trigger my RSI has always felt like a losing battle full of compromise....

October 31, 2020 · 3 min · Adrian Lucrèce Céleste

Building My Blog on Windows

Part One: Creating a container On Linux, I build my blog via a container, I felt like doing the same on windows. This means I’d have to create a container image for building my blog. Until now, I hadn’t experimented with windows containers, I chose the nanoserver image as the base for my container. After doing some experimentation, I wrote this dockerfile: FROM microsoft/nanoserver LABEL maintainer="Adrian Lucrèce Céleste <[email protected]>" RUN powershell Invoke-WebRequest -Uri https://github....

February 3, 2019 · 3 min · Adrian Lucrèce Céleste

Using Travis to push container images to

Preface This blog post assumes: The user is familiar with: Travis-ci Docker (or podman/buildah) Git Github The user has an account with: Travis-ci Github Quay For those unfamiliar with the above, here are some resources Introduction I prefer using as my container registry instead of Dockerhub, and as such, I had to learn how setup Travis to push to This is something I hadn’t done before, as I’ve only recently started making my own container images....

January 24, 2019 · 3 min · Adrian Lucrèce Céleste